
Women & Weight Training

Happy African American female athlete practicing Yoga with group of women at health club.

“Lifting weights will make you bulky.”  “Don’t lift weights or you will look like a guy.”  No doubt you’ve heard these phrases when it comes to deciding your path along the fitness journey.  But is this really the case?  Will lifting weights really mean you will Hulk right out of your shirt and be available for the next NFL draft?  Let’s look at some key facts:

  1. While it is true that cardio burns fat, lengthy cardio sessions also burn muscle. Why?  In a nutshell, the body uses three things as sources of fuel:  carbohydrates, fat and protein.  Fat cannot be burned without carbohydrates, so when the body’s carbohydrates stores are depleted through long cardio sessions, it will turn to proteins (muscle) for fuel.
  2. Muscle mass also determines your resting metabolic rate – the amount of calories you burn even during rest. So the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn during everyday activities, even sitting!
  3. Adding a strength routine to your workouts not only burns more calories, it lowers blood pressure, helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis, and burns more fat than straight cardio.
  4. Women will not “bulk up” simply by lifting heavy weights.Women produce small amounts of testosterone, which limit muscle-building potential.  Good News – – you will not become The Incredible Hulk!

“Okay, blog writer….I *LIKE* cardio.  What say you?”  Awesome!  Cardio is great for building cardiovascular endurance and can – done right – burn fat.  To make cardio work for you though, think shorter, more intense sessions which amp up your metabolic burn without forcing your body to rely on muscle as a fuel source.

Ladies – empower your body and incorporate weight training into your workout routine.  This will turn your body into a fat burning machine, will help you lean out, tone up and you will look and feel better and stronger than ever before!